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Our Service Positions

Sunday BDA Online Service Positions

Zoom Host

Tech Coordinator

Script Reader

Newcomer Greeter

Speaker Seeker

Business Meeting Chair

Business Meeting Record Keeper


Group Service Representative (GSR)

Intergroup Representative (Intergroup REP) 

Meeting Chair: 3-month position, matched to the four quarters on the North American calendar. May serve a 2nd consecutive term if willing. Eligibility criteria: Has an active BDA and / or DA sponsor relationship, at least 30 days of not incurring any new unsecured debt and either of the following: a) has worked steps in DA at least one time OR b) is currently working steps in DA. Duties: Leads our weekly meetings, imperfectly following the script and format approved by our group conscience. It's important to start on-time, to end on-time, and to keep the meetings productively moving forward. Learns basic tech, especially calling on raised hands in the video conferences and muting folks when necessary, both during our weekly meetings, and recording our speakers, in case our tech person is absent.

Newcomer Greeter: Usually 1-month position, although three months is preferred. May serve longer term and multiple consecutive terms if willing. Eligibility criteria: Has at least 30 days of not incurring any new unsecured debt and has attended at least one PRG. Duties: Remains for 10-15 minutes after our weekly meetings, facilitating contact information exchange, answering questions from newcomers, and encouraging fellowship between newcomers and group members. The Newcomer Greeter's script can be found above our Meeting Readings.

Speaker Getter: 1-year position, aligned with the standard calendar. May not serve more than one consecutive term. Eligibility criteria: None,  although it is helpful to know BDA members outside of our group, to attend other BDA meetings regularly, and to maintain an organized calendar. Duties: Select current BDA members, who meet our speaker eligibility criteria (see speaker recordings), to speak at our monthly speaker meetings on the Step of the month. It is helpful to plan speakers at least three months in advance and to remind them of their upcoming service commitment. Give brief introductions to each speaker, including what made you choose them. Ensure that the speakers are recorded, even if the tech person is not present. This person may lead or help with planning fundraising events, but it is not a requirement of this position.

Business Meeting Chair and Business Meeting Record Keeper: 6-month position. Record keeper position is filled through December 2021, 6-month position. Members in both positions may serve a 2nd consecutive term if willing, but not a 3rd. Eligibility criteria: At least 30 days of not incurring any new unsecured debt, home group members, regular participation at our weekly meetings. Duties: Be present for business meetings on the 3rd Sunday of each month (or to arrange for a substitute). Business Meeting Chair leads our monthly business meetings, imperfectly following the script and format approved by our group conscience, which can be found on our Next Business Meeting page, reviews and approves minutes, and forwards to tech person for distribution to group members via bcc. Business Meeting Record Keeper summarizes minutes from previous month, records minutes from current business meeting, forwards them to Biz Chair and tech for review, and supports maintenance of YTD approved minutes online. For more information, download DA's Business Meeting Format

Group Tech Coordinator: 1-year position, aligned with the standard calendar. May serve multiple consecutive terms if willing. Eligibility criteria: Weekly participation in the Sunday BDA meeting, at least 90 days of not incurring any new unsecured debt, has attended at least 2 PRGs, computer and email skills, nice to have knowledge of MS Office and basic website maintenance. Duties: To promote continuity, relieve distractions during meetings, and keep security information intact. Arrives 10 minutes before each weekly meeting to welcome early members, works the "dashboard" from 8-9pm Eastern each week, muting non-sharing, non-reading members and supporting Meeting Chair as necessary. Distributes emails and attachments from fellow trusted servants to group members via bcc and forwards received emails to appropriate recipients. 

Treasurer: 1-year position, elected in November or December each year. May serve a 2nd consecutive term if willing, but not a 3rd. Eligibility criteria: Has at least 90 days of not incurring any new unsecured debt, has taken all 12 Steps in DA, and has attended at least two PRGs. Duties: Makes the 7th Tradition announcement at each weekly meeting, follows up with link in chat, collects voluntary contributions, and keeps accurate and up-to-date records of our income and expenses. Maintains separate balances for our General and GSR funds, and tracks the financial results of our special events. Makes payments, reimbursements, and distributions to GSO and BDA Intergroup — here's their 7th Tradition link — as approved by group conscience. (While it is impossible to specify how funds are to be used when donating to GSO, BDA Intergroup is happy to accept earmarked funds, especially for free literature for BDA newcomers and members and / or for outreach efforts to carry the message to debtors who still suffer, especially business debtors like us.) For more information, download the DA Treasurer's ManualAdditional duties: Our current treasurer is also backup for our tech coordinator and is fully responsible for maintaining our group contact list and our website and supports expanding tech needs four our group.

General Service Representative (GSR): 3-year position, elected in March when necessary. May serve a 2nd consecutive term if willing, but not a 3rd. Eligibility criteria: Has at least 1 year of not incurring any new unsecured debt, actively working the Twelve Steps, has attended at least two PRGs, has given service to a DA or BDA group and/or as an Intergroup officer, and is an active member of our home group. Duties: Acts as the primary link between our group and the DA Fellowship as a whole; attends and participates in our monthly business meetings; shares news from DA WSC and GSO; schedules and gives recorded quarterly reports — ideally April, June, September, January — in separate hour-long meetings; participates in special events and activities hosted by our group; provides an annual WSC spending plan for review and approval; and helps the group prepare Issues and Concerns two months before each WSC. Updates our registration with GSO annually and receives mailings to groups from the GSO. Represents our group at the annual World Service Conference as a voting delegate, communicating our needs and opinions about crucial issues affecting the DA Fellowship. Participates on a WSC Committee throughout the year, and has the option to participate on a WSC Caucus. After attending the annual Conference, reports on relevant activities and action steps and shares the details and results of Conference Convocation. For more information, download the DA Manual of Service.

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